Thursday, September 22, 2011

Assignment#9 Moral Dilemma

Megan Collier
174 Columbia St
Victoria, BC
B3S 8G3

March 21, 2011

John Trump
Victoria, BC

Dear Sir;

To begin, I would like to express my gratitude for requesting my assistance with this manner.  After reading your letter I began to peruse the idea of putting the elderly man, Gunter Grass in jail. I am fully aware of the crimes this man has committed in the past, although I can not repress the feeling that incarcerating this man would be a mistake.

  Gunter Grass is ninety two. Albeit I am reluctant to construe such thoughts, however the man will surely decease shortly. Even if he is healthy, it will not be long until he becomes feeble and weak. He is a seasoned man. Gunter has three children and many grandchildren, it is my belief that his meager remaining time should be shared with his family. Taking away his little time left would not just be punishing him, but his family would also suffer severely.

  Undoubtedly Gunter has provided the village with a significant chunk of his time. Serving as mayor is not an effortless task. For many years he carried out this laborious duty.  Thirty six years to be more explicit. Additionally, Gunter constructed a factory, where many of the villages inhabitants work. I have also been informed that each employee is paid well.

  Not only is Gunter providing the people of the village with his time, but also his hard earned money. This man's giving never ceases. Many charities have benefited from his wealth. There are several families throughout the village that certainly can not afford all of their expenses. Gunter gives them enough money to settle their bills.

  This man appears to be saint like from every aspect. However I am aware that he has committed numerous wrong doings long ago. While I am not conveying that these were reputable acts, there are reasons to suppose that perhaps he was forced to complete such hideous acts. One is never able to be certain. I would like to assume that the treacherous murders he oversaw, were demanded of him by Hitler himself.

  I presume that this letter was of some assistance, and I bid you good luck with you decision.


Megan Collier

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