Thursday, October 27, 2011

Assignment #4

     "We never talk anymore," Jennifer sighed, as she glared at Hugh.

     Hugh moaned, "That's not true," his eyes remained fastened on the newspaper amid his hands. This was not the first time Jennifer had attacked him with this statement.

     "Your nose is always stuck in that newspaper," she exclaimed, " it's like I'm not intriguing you anymore!" Hugh abandon the newspaper and stared deeply into his wife's eyes, rage building inside him.

     "Am I not allowed to know what transpires in the world surrounding me? Is being educated a crime now?" The pair, both, becoming more agitated as each moment was passing.

    Jennifer groaned, "That's not what I was saying Hugh. Stop twisting my words."

    "You can't control me at every instant," Hugh yelled, " I'm not your puppet!"  This constant conflict angered him more each time it arouse.

     "I didn't say you were my puppet! I only wanted to engage in a little friendly conversation without a brawl."  Tears began to fill her somber eyes. Hugh could feel himself softening. He detested watching her cry.

     "I'm sorry Jennifer," Hugh spoke softly, " I love you and I hate to hurt you."
     "I don't enjoy it when we fight, I just want to talk the way we used to," Jennifer replied. Her eyes had begun to dry. Hugh was filled with the desire to conclude this hideous argument.
     Hugh pleaded, "I promise to try and focus more on you from now on. Now can we please stop quarreling?"  An eager smile grew on Jennifer's face.

     "Definitely, " she agreed grinning. "I have no desire to fuss over a newspaper ever again," she added.
     Hugh pronounced, "I concur!" The couple smiled, both yearning for life to always be filled with such bliss.

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